Shen Ling Bai Zhu San / 参苓白术散

Original Name: Shen Ling Bai Zhu San / 参苓白术散

Action: Tonifies Qi, strengthens spleen, and removes dampness

Indication: Qi deficiency and damp retention

Key Symptoms and Signs for Use:
Poor appetite, chronic diarrhea, feeling of nausea
Sallow complexion, tiredness
Feeling of heaviness and lassitude of limbs
Tongue: White greasy coating
Pulse: Thready, soft or deficiency

Clinical Application for Reference:
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Maldigestion, anorexia
Food allergy
Chronic diarrhea
PChronic gastroenteritis

Cautions and Contra-Indications:
Not suitable for constipation